Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pavlov, who? Or, who's Pavlov?

As Tony is typically up by 1am to go to work (the life of a bread man) he lets the girls out in the middle of the night for a quick pee. And, truthfully, on the mornings he does get to sleep in, they wake him up sometime between 3 and 5:30 or so, and he gets up and lets them out because it's easier for him to get back to sleep than it is for me.

But, occasionally, I am the early morning attendee to the "We gotta pee" pack. As I was this morning, around 4am. They all go out, except Daisy (she's really lazy, and I guess could hold it until the cows came home). They all come in - and go immediately go stake out the "cookie" jar. Yes, Daisy shows up, too. Too lazy to go out, but not too lazy to mooch. Apparently, whenever Tony lets them out in the middle of the night, he gives them a "good girl" treat when they come back in, just because they went out to pee! What a great life they have. I wish I got a cookie every time I pee....

1 comment:

  1. Well yeah, who wouldn't??

    Will I have to give the chickens good girl treats for laying eggs?

