Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Loretta on the pillow

Loretta, within the last six months or so, has taken to laying on Tony's pillow after he leaves in the morning. As he gets up around 1am, we're talking most of the night. The girls' routine is to get up for a few minutes with dad, go outside to pee, then come back to bed with me. What's hard about Loretta's new position is that this is the exact same position my Susanna would assume each morning - the original "yellow dog," and the undisputed non-human love of my life. She did it to protect me, from whatever might come through that bedroom door. Loretta, I'm not so sure. She's like Susanna in ways - the typical golden retriever ways - but very unlike Susanna in many other ways. Anyway, I've just decided to enjoy it, the comfort it brings, regardless of her reasons or motivations.

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