Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life in the pack

Life with the other girls is good. Daisy turned 14 in April! That's old for any dog, and very old for a golden retriever. Ruby will be 12 in July - also impossible.

Our pack extends to our yard, as well. Squirrels and birds abound (and probably other things that I don't want to know about!). On Saturday morning, I had to do squirrel rescue. We have a pair of corn cob holders in the oak tree outside the living room window. They're a wire spiral, wider at the top than the bottom, and as they near the bottom the wire is coiled more tightly. We've had them up for years, but Saturday morning a squirrel managed to get caught in one - he somehow managed to get one of his toes caught in the lower part of the spiral. He was trying to get away in the opposite direction of the spiral, so he was only successful in getting himself (please don't ask me how I know it was a he...) more firmly stuck. I stood in the living room for a couple of minutes, watching him struggle, thinking about who I could call. When I saw him start trying to bite off his foot I knew it was up to me. So, in my robe, I went out and climbed up on the milk crate we used to restock the corn. Squirrel freaking out. Yep, toe firmly caught. I climbed down, grabbed my thickest pair of garden gloves. Back on the milk crate, I grabbed his foot in one hand (please don't bite me please don't bite me) and the holder in the other hand and twisted in opposite directions. Voila! Freedom.

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