Yes, expensive, but worth it. About 3 years ago Emily started having seizures whenever we'd try to move her, including picking her up. As she has very bad arthritis in her hips, there are a number of things that require her to be picked up - for example, lifting her into the bathtub for a bath (she can't jump even close to that distance any more) and into the car for trips to the vet. She can no longer hop into the car. We solved the bath problem by buying an attachment for the kitchen sink so that we're able to hook up a hose, snake it through the living room, out through the garage, and into the back yard. Voila! Warm water for baths with no lifting or stress. We had the mobile vet (www.mobilevetaustin) to the house when she needed her routine physical, about 6 months ago. We knew it would most likely be pricey, but thought it might be the best solution. To my delight, although it was a bit expensive, I adored the vet - Carol-Lynne Meissner. She got right down in the floor with Emily and gave her a VERY thorough exam. Emily stayed on her pillow the whole time, primarily just enjoying hte individual attention.
A couple of weeks ago, Emily had a horrible gastrointestinal something going on. As it came on early in the week, Tony said, "Well, I just take her to the vet on Wednesday (his day off). I'll back the car up to the porch and she can just step right in." His thinking was 1) it would be easy (and different this time?) and 2) it would be a good deal cheaper than the Mobile Vet. As Carol-Lynne is "on the road," she doesn't have her own lab facilities, so everything has to outsource. Anyway. Emily had a very small seizure as we were getting her in the car (NO, of COURSE she didn't just want to "step in!). But, she had a MAJOR seizure when Tony pulled into the vet's parking lot. Like 2 or 3 minutes. Tony knows Emily is MY dog, and I'm truthfully surprised HE survived the episode. He called the vet from his mobile, and they came right out to the parking lot with a Valium shot - but by that time she was fine. Long story short (I know I know too late) he brought her home without any tests being run. Don't ask me why, he's a man, explanation enough. So, when Emily got worse later in the week, I called Carol-Lynne. She was out the same day, and gave Emily all the loving attention and good care that Emily deserved. YES, holy crap, it was expensive. But worth every every penny.
Emily seems fine now, still waiting on the last test result from A&M. I don't there will be any further discussion about Mobile Vet expense....